
“The ability to Alchemically support all parts of your body [physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically, spiritually] simultaneously through the process of an intentional and continual breathing process and pattern”

Traumas don’t just get held within our mind, they also imprint our emotions, imbed into us somatically, and block our flow of energy. Breathwork is a well rounded approach to healing, it is a key to accessing all systems, improving overall health while providing a deeper connection to ones self facilitating personal growth and transformation.


A space to open, expand, welcoming a new energy into your awareness, your body. When we breathe intentionally and consistency with proper guidance and loving attendance we can get to places within us waiting to be discovered. As we bi-pass the daily cognitive ruminations and drop down into the body into our true intelligence so many powerful and sometimes seemingly magical things can happen!


A space to release, let go, allow the breath to flow in and out of the body, each breath allowing you to surrender just a little bit more. In our day to day it’s so often as humans we want to hold onto as much as we can, even if its not ours to hold. To take some time to let it all go, is something so many of us just need, yet never really give to ourselves. I invite you to come, set it all down, and see how life can feel on the other side of releasing all that no longer serves you to hold.

I specialize in 1 on 1 Breathwork Facilitation, but I also offer small group Breathwork Journeys monthly at my

Awaken & Align Holistic Healing Center here in Old Roseville.

Check out the EVENTS page to sign up at the next one! This is a great opportunity to check it out.


I really love connecting on a call to answer any of your questions and curiosities so we can determine if my services and approach are best in alignment for you.

Please fill this out so we can set up a time to chat and we will go from there, I look forward to connecting soon! ♥︎