
“The ability to redesign the Subconscious mind, aligning it with the desires of the Conscious mind, in favor of making sustainable positive changes and healing”

Our subconscious mind is what keeps us in our habits, patterns, and behaviors, as it is in control of 88% of every part of us and everything we do, even if its not what we consciously desire to do. These habit, patterns, behaviors are created by our environments and experiences of the past. With Hypnosis we are able to bypass the critical mind and suggest to the subconscious that with which we desire to change and in this state of hypnotic trance the suggestibility of the subconscious is open and ready to receive. This helps you to create a new way of being, existing, a new opportunity to a new personality! Through this process you get to take control of this powerful force, allowing the mind to work for you in favor of your health and happiness!


The therapeutic process of Hypnotherapy, coupled with the Mind-Body connection, has the ability to help you address underlying psychological factors contributing to reoccurring issues such as anxiety, phobias, behaviors, and emotional triggers. It doesn’t end there, our psychological state highly impacts our physiological landscape so the healing can be taken into any somatic occurrence happening in the physical body as well.


With Hypnosis we are utilizing the power of neuroplasticity. Through the use of guided imagery and personalized positive suggestions, during hypnosis, the brain creates new synaptic connections. This repeated practice within hypnosis strengthens these bonds. As we harness the brains ability to rewire itself this enables individuals to tap into their own inner intelligence, reshaping their beliefs, manifesting positive changes in thoughts, emotions, and behaviors for transformative healing and personal growth.


I really love connecting on a call to answer any of your questions and curiosities so we can determine if my services and approach are best in alignment for you.

Please fill this out so we can set up a time to chat and we will go from there, I look forward to connecting soon! ♥︎